Leadership In Training

At Camp Ubuntu we believe that all our children have something to offer, and none of our children, despite where they fall on the socio-economic ladder, are without problems or needs. We believe we can work together, and heal each other. Cross cultural learning, understanding how other people experience the world, is vital to the success of our program. It is with that in mind that we refreshed our Leadership in Training (LIT) program and launched our Youth Advisory Board (YAB) in 2016.

The LIT program invites teens to take on a leadership role at Camp Ubuntu. They assist the counselors, show support, inspiration, and love to the kids in their cabins and help them try new things, overcome obstacles, and conquer their fears. LIT’s have the unique chance of developing a stronger connection with their campers due to their proximity in age. The program gives teenagers a chance to leave a lasting impact on the economically disadvantaged communities we serve. Parents tell us that their kids come home from a weekend of volunteering at camp transformed. Our LIT’s say that they learn so much from the kids they work with, it completely changes their perspective.

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