Black Lives Matter


In this moment of confusion, unrest, and uncertainty, we at the Harold Robinson Foundation (HRF) stand staunchly and unapologetically alongside black communities that, for far too long, have been the most oppressed, most overlooked, and most affected by the despicable specter of injustice. Being viewed and treated as a human being at ALL times, no matter the circumstances, no matter the color, no matter the religion, is a natural law under the terms of the social contract that we all MUST uphold if we are to ever live appreciatively and harmoniously amongst one another.
We are disheartened by the recent violent actions generated by members of the various law enforcement entities nationwide. We stand in unity with those who are demanding the long-overdue change of the antiquated policies and laws that jeopardize Black citizens’ fundamental rights. It is time for our nation to address the racial divide impacting our most vulnerable communities.
HRF was formed to help counter social and economic disparities in South LA and build bridges between diverse student groups through the transformative power of camp. We are vested in being a part of the solution. Our work is rooted in the South African philosophy of “Ubuntu,” which means that we rise and fall together as a community.
HRF is an anti-racist organization that teaches critical lessons to the youth of today and especially supports black lives. To the Black community, as the collective of beauty and magic that you have always been and will continue to be, we hear you... we love you... we stand with you... we pledge to NEVER stay silent.
Please feel free to contact with any questions.
Peace, Love & Ubuntu, HRF

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